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You Want to Feel Better

We Are Here to Help!

We’ve All Been There!

You're Over 30, and You Start to Feel... Well, Different.

Your energy levels dip, your joints ache, and your sex drive all but disappears. You find yourself gaining weight, even though you’re eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. And it’s not just happening to you…’re noticing that your friends are having similar issues—and it’s not pretty.

But there’s hope! We know that it’s not easy to manage all of the symptoms of aging, but we also know that it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why we created The Body Mod, so that you can live your best life as you age!

exhausted man asleep with head on laptop
Joint Pain
Frustrated couple in bed
Woman standing on a scale

Whether you’re a woman experiencing menopausal symptoms or a man that hasn’t been feeling quite “up to par”, you’ll find the care, understanding, and support that you need to feel better, look younger, and improve your overall wellness.

Aging sucks! Dealing with hormonal changes coupled with aggravating symptoms is tough enough without having someone in your corner to help figure it out.

My Initial Consultation

Common Symptoms

To Hormone Imbalance

Chronic Fatigue
Weight Gain
Mood Changes
Erectile Dysfunction
Vaginal Dryness
Low Libido
Brain Fog
Loss of Muscle
Decreased Bone Density
Low Motivation
Joint Pain

You Are Not Alone

Start Feeling Better Today!

At The Body Mod, our mission is simple: help men and women ages 30-65 feel better, look younger than their age, and improve their overall health. We provide services designed with the sole purpose of bringing back the vitality of youth by optimizing hormone levels and promoting healthy behaviors. We believe in helping people get back on track by taking small steps toward wellness—and we’d love to join you on your journey!

The Helping Hand

Providing the Necessary Tools to Improve Your Health & Wellness

Hey! I'm Lynne.

I am a Nurse Practitioner with over 20 years experience and I’m passionate about helping my patients achieve and maintain optimal wellness, feel their best, and reduce health risks through behavior modification. I provide personalized, integrative care that is accessible, convenient, affordable, and never rushed. My goal is to seek the root cause rather than continue to treat the symptoms. I want to be healthy so I can feel and look my best. If I can inspire one person to feel the same way about themselves, then I call that a success. But, before we get into that, let’s go back to the beginning.

Where It All Began

I was the lead provider of a prominent and successful weight loss clinic for several years. As I built rapport and trust with my patients, the question that I kept hearing was “Do you check hormone levels?” At this particular franchise, we did not evaluate or treat hormone imbalances even if abnormal lab results were found. Instead, I had to refer patients to other treatment facilities. My choices for referral were limited and, often times, my patients did not follow through.

More About Your Provider

It wasn’t until last year that I noticed I was having some of the same symptoms as my patients. When I spoke with my friends, they were experiencing the same issues. I was tired all the time, slept like crap, couldn’t focus, my stress level was causing me to have increased anxiety, my joints ached, and I was just feeling like a slug. Seriously, for the first time in my life, I truly felt my age. Everything I did before and everything I educated patients about…..well, none of it was helping. As difficult as it was, I had to come to terms that I just getting old. Getting old sucks! But truth be told, I was nearly 50 years old and probably perimenopausal.

OMG! More About Your Provider? Oh My!

I began to educate myself by reading research articles about hormone levels and the effects of imbalances on men and women. I quickly realized the complaints among patients with hormone imbalances were nearly identical as those that my patients struggling to lose weight reported. Maybe their hormones were to blame?

This motivated me to enroll in several courses to expand my knowledge base in recognizing symptoms, accurately diagnosing, and appropriately managing hormone imbalances in men and women. I also attended a Women in Business Networking Leadership conference and immersed myself in honing my leadership skills and collaborating with powerful and successful women.

In my pursuit of self-diagnosis and treatment, I realized there’s not adequate access to hormone replacement therapy in the Dayton, OH area and there are a lot of individuals who are suffering with the symptoms associated with hormone imbalance NEEDLESSLY. And I was just the one to help them!

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