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One ordinary morning snuggled in my favorite seat at home (next to my husband, Jeff), I found myself engrossed in a research article about hormonal changes that begin as early as the 3rd decade of life while sipping my usual latte.

I had an-depth conversation with my husband about how vitally important it was for men and women to be proactive with their hormonal health. Hormones affect every aspect of our lives, everything from mental health to digestion, from cognitive function to our ability to reproduce, from our sleeping habits to our sexuality. Despite how influential they are and their presence during normal processes of our lives, we are never truly educated on these subjects.

I emphasized the fact multiple times that no one is really taking the time to talk about hormones. And it’s complete bullshit.

After seeing multiple health care providers, not one took the time to inform me what PCOS was when I suffered from infertility for 14 years, losing 7 pregnancies during my 20’s. Oddly enough, they also didn’t bat an eye when my weight ballooned from 139 lbs. to 220 lbs. in one year during infertility treatment.

When my libido went from “fire to no desire” after having my children, no one asked about my sex life and how it was affecting my marriage. When I reached out for help from my PCP because I was experiencing increased anxiety, lack of concentration, and horrendous insomnia at the age of 48, the subject of perimenopause was never broached. And that’s when it dawned on me.

I could talk about it! This wasn’t an option, it was a calling. An unshakable feeling down to the very last cell in my body that I had to share my passion for hormone health with the world. I had no idea, in that moment, that my life would change forever. Or even more shockingly, just how much it would change…

As a nurse practitioner, my career had been fulfilling, but a particular article caught my attention that day. It delved into the pervasive and often misunderstood realm of hormone issues, shedding light on the life-altering impact these imbalances could have on individuals. Because I had personally struggled with infertility, weight gain, and perimenopausal symptoms, the more I read, the clearer it became that my true calling lay in helping people navigate these often overlooked challenges.

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning – it was time to embark on a journey to establish my own clinic dedicated to assisting individuals with hormone issues. I envisioned a space where people could receive personalized care, comprehensive education, and a supportive environment to address their unique health concerns. Excitement and passion welled up within me as I shared my newfound revelation with Jeff, who, as always, stood by my side with unwavering support.

In the subsequent months, I immersed myself in research, attended many specialized conferences, and sought mentorship from experts in the field. The vision for my clinic took shape, fueled by a burning desire to educate not only my future patients but the community at large about the significance of hormonal health. I felt compelled to raise awareness, break down stigmas, and empower men and women alike to take charge of their well-being.

I intend to use this blog to provide education and to arm individuals with knowledge so they can be proactive in their pursuit of hormonal health and wellness.

To get started, here are 7 common symptoms of hormone imbalance. How many do you have?

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts, where we unravel the mysteries of hormone imbalance and guide you towards a life of hormonal equilibrium. I will focus on specific symptoms related to hormone imbalance that are often misdiagnosed in both men and women. Your body’s symphony awaits!


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