It’s March 1st and spring is right around the corner! So, let’s chat about your New Year’s resolution. Here’s some interesting facts about New Year’s resolutions. The top 3 resolutions are health related:
1) Exercise more
2) Eat healthier
3) Lose weight.
How’s your New Year’s resolution going? If it’s not going well, don’t beat yourself up about it. A staggering 43% fail before February, with 1 out of 4 failing in the first week of January! Most people quit on the second Friday of the month which has been dubbed “Quitters Day”.
Where did you fare? Did you make any changes, have some success? The majority of those who make New Year’s resolutions and fail state that the top 3 reasons for quitting were 1) lack of motivation, 2) too busy, and 3) change in priorities.
Our best intentions are often failures because we’re not committed, yet. The timing isn’t right and we set our expectations too high. You are not alone.
If you set health-related resolutions and are finding much harder than it needs to be, schedule an initial consultation with The Body Mod. We offer personalized treatment that can help you lose weight, eat healthier, and increase your physical activity.

We offer weekly injections for weight loss as well as bio-identical hormone replacement for increased overall health improvement.
What are you waiting for? Hasn’t enough time passed without the changes you want? Schedule today!